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Journal for Distinguished Language Studies

Volume 1
Table of Contents
Volume 2
Table of Contents
Order Form
Volume 3
Table of Contents
Volume 4
Order Form

The Journal for Distinguished Language Studies is an international, multilingual, refereed publication for foreign/second language teachers and language learners/users working at the high end of the language proficiency scale: ILR Level 4.

The Journal for Distinguished Language Studies is published annually.

The Journal for Distinguished Language Studies is devoted to research and experience in teaching to Level 4, learning activities and successful learning experiences, resources in support of Level 4, and related topics. The journal has three sections, and manuscripts should address one of these three areas:

  • (1) theory
  • (2) research
  • (3) practice (programs and learners)

Call for Manuscripts

The Journal for Distinguished Language Studies accepts submissions on a rolling basis.

Length: Articles should not exceed 3000 words in length. Requests for exceptions should be directed to the editor, Anna Jacobson, at .

Format: Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as rtf documents. Formatting for tables, charts, figures, drawings, photographs, and other visuals (originals, eps, or scanned images) will be negotiated with individual authors as needed to ensure quality reproduction. Documentation, including reference lists, should be in APA format. Endnotes, rather than footnotes, are used. Foreign punctuation and spelling of English will be converted to American standard.

Submissions may be made in any language that can be printed on a postscript printer. Manuscripts in languages other than English should be prepared on a PC, using resident or universal fonts. Where this is not possible, please query the editor. When submitting a contribution in a language other than English, please note the language in English in the e-mail subject line, e.g., "Submission for DLS Journal (Arabic)." Each article will be abstracted by the editorial staff into Arabic, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, German, Russian, and Spanish.

Submission Procedure: Following the guidelines given above for topic, format, and language, send a Word file by email to . Accompanying e-notes in a language that uses a non-Roman script should also be attached to the e-note as a Word file. Manuscripts are not accepted by mail at this time.

Journal Staff

Editorial Staff



Associate Editor: Ekaterina Kuznetsova

Assistant Editors:

Boris Shekhtman

Loudmila Tomachevskaia

Fax (831) 886-2486


Arabic: Inas Sarraj

Chinese: Tsentseng Chang


Farsi/Persian: Nakissa Modir

French: Christian Degueldre

German: Gerd Brendel

Russian: Inna Dubinsky

Spanish: Rocío Txabarriaga

Review Board

Peter Abboud
(University of Texas)

Claudia Angelleli
(San Diego State University)

Christian Degueldre
(Monterey Institute of International Studies & San Diego State University)

Madeline Ehrman
(Foreign Service Institute & Center for the Advanced Study of Language)

Surendra Gambhir
(University of Pennsylvania)

Olga Kagan

Rajai Khanji
(University of Jordan)

M. Mehdi Khorrami
(New York University)

Elizabeth Knutson
(US Naval Academy)

Cornelius Kubler
(Williams College)

Amal Jaser
(Jordan University of Science and Technology)

Maria Lekic
(University of Maryland)

Rebecca Oxford
(University of Maryland)

Richard Robin
(George Washington University)